Things to Read


Americans Hate the Media

Where goes truth when a new Gallup poll indicates American trust in the media is (yet again) at an all-time low?

Getting to Know What We Do Not Know

A new study shows how little we know about current and historical events. This affects strategies for how we understand and process the news.

Language, Militias and Occupation

What should the media call an armed group that takes over federal property and makes political demands? Oregon gives us a chance to consider.

Is it Smeagol or Gollum?

Turkey debates Lord of the Rings to decide whether a doctor will spend two years in jail over a Facebook post.

Biking While Hot

Biking through New York City in the summer heat. Queens to Brighton Beach and back again.
information ambience

Publishing the News When it’s Already Everywhere

What do publishers and news consumers do in a world of infinite choice?

Let’s Praise Books… Unless We Don’t Need to Read Them

We love books but there’ve been too many for about 500 years now.

If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript

A new book exploring the intersection of literature and code is a delightful romp through some of the Western world’s most celebrated writers and the imagined JavasScript they would have — could have — slung had they been so inclined.