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An architect creates a seesaw at the US-Mexico border to show what happens on one side affects what happens on the other... Oh, and kids have fun.

Two professors created a seesaw on the border fence between El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juárez, Mexico to demonstrate that “the actions that take place on one side have a direct consequence on the other side,” according to their post on Instagram.

Via The Guardian:

[T]he seesaws are the invention of Ronald Rael, a professor of architecture at the University of California, Berkeley, and Virginia San Fratello, an associate professor of design at San José State University, who first came up with the concept 10 years ago.

In an Instagram post that has received tens of thousands of likes, children and adults can be seen playing and interacting on both sides of the fence using the seesaws, which provide “a literal fulcrum” between the countries, according to Rael. He said the event was about bringing “joy, excitement and togetherness at the border wall”.

More: Pink seesaws reach across the divide at US-Mexico border, via The Guardian.

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